Our Mission:

Partner with mission-driven, people first organizations ready to up their game in the employee benefits and well-being space. No matter the size of your team, or your budget, there are ways to dramatically improve the lives of your employees leading to powerful levels of engagement and the creation of life-long brand champions.

We Are…

When people thrive mentally, physically & financially, organizations see improved health, cost savings, and bottom-line performance.

Developing inclusive policies, competitive benefit plans and innovative services to address life challenges is what I do. Combining empathy and insight with practical, data-driven solutions is how I do it.

Benefits like medical, dental, vision, and life are the price of entry; employers can and should do more.

People are struggling more than ever in our post-pandemic world (think anxiety, depression, drug abuse, issues with childcare and eldercare) and the results show up in medical claims, absenteeism/presenteeism, and more. I’ve proven I can lessen the burden on employees, increase engagement, improve culture and positively impact the bottom line.

No matter the size of your team, or your budget, there are ways to dramatically improve the lives of your employees – leading to powerful levels of engagement and the creation of life-long brand champions.

How Can I Help?

I am happy to help if you are looking for advice or guidance. Fill out the form below.